Saturday, August 14, 2010

To my friend who met me at frolicks tonight: Thanks for telling me more about myself from your perspective (it made me question a little less) helping me understand it’s fine to be one who can only communicate one-on-one, that it’s fine to be so emotional when everybody thinks I’m just being a burden to everyone else around me.

There isn’t a lot of people who can understand and accept me for who I am or understand that I’m this way not because I do not care about others’ feelings but because I can’t help thinking of feeling like that.

Check your email for the rest k! I feel so much less insecure right now.

It's been an absolutely wonderful night :)

Lunch with tangerine stalker was great too :D I like how we're able to talk so much about everything even though we rarely meet and I already miss talking to you! & it's pretty awesome to have someone as random as me (like who else talks about random things in the middle of a sentence and goes back to it after awhile? besides us) Yeah just really awesome. Can't wait for 28th! :D MORE GOOD FOOD AND COOL STUFF OGEY! WITH CAM CAM TOO!

Sarah, Hafiz, Janelle and I had an awesome time joking around at the cafe too :D

and on top of all that, I've been studying yesterday and today. A little late for prelims but hopefully not the A's :D

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